Guidance for Walks

Your Committee, while not wishing to introduce formal “Rules and Regulations”, feels that if the points set out below are followed, it will help to avoid difficult situations.

Leaders are asked to:

  • Check how many members are in their party prior to setting off, and recheck at suitable intervals
  • Try to arrange for a ‘back marker’ when there are over 10 or more members present.
  • At a fork, sharp turn, junction of paths, or when crossing busy roads wait until all members are together before proceeding.
  • When using roads without pavements, ask the party to proceed in single file keeping to the safest side of the road. (Usually the right side, and facing oncoming traffic with the exception of the approach to a right-hand bend)
  • When train services are not running to their timetable, allow for this, and do not depart earlier than the scheduled time, from either the London Station or starting point for the walk.

Members are asked to:
  • Remember that the leader is in charge of the walk.
  • Not to overtake the leader, or endeavor to force the pace.
  • Ensure that they can keep up with the rest of the party.
  • See that other members who are following know which path to take when approaching a fork, junction, or sharp turn.
  • Know that when breaking for the lunch stop, their time and place for re-assembly, and be sure that they are prompt.
  • Tell the leader or any other member if they are in any difficulty.
  • Advise the leader if they decide to leave the party prior to the end of the walk.
  • Be extremely vigilant when crossing busy roads, and use the designated crossing point as advised by the leader.
  • Take care using roads without pavements, walk in a single file on the safest side of the road as advised by the leader.
   The wearing of light clothing and the wearing of reflective armbands is useful under conditions of poor light or strong shadow

Our members should follow their leaders at all times, and carefully watch where they are going. The club is not liable to, or responsible for, an individual’s personal safety.


As a guide for new leaders, we suggest that you view the Ramblers’ Association Website, and in particular, go to; This gives lots of practical tips on many aspects of leading groups.